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Formula 1 Blog

104 posts
- The Story of the 6 Wheel F1 Car

The Story of the 6 Wheel F1 Car

The Formula 1 community has always been a center for experimentation and invention. Teams and engineers frequently produce…
- How To Become a F1 Driver ?

How To Become a F1 Driver ?

The journey to F1 is long and arduous, requiring talent, dedication, and financial backing. Most drivers begin their…
- What is tyres Graining in F1 ?

What is tyres Graining in F1 ?

Graining is a term used in Formula 1 to describe the degradation of the tyre over the course…
- What is sandbagging in F1 ?

What is sandbagging in F1 ?

In Formula One, the term “sandbagging” refers to a team or driver who purposefully underperforms to conceal their…
- Are F1 Cars Painted or Wrapped?

Are F1 Cars Painted or Wrapped?

Several people have wondered whether Formula One vehicles are painted or wrapped because of their striking appearance :…
- When did F1 stop using V10 ?

When did F1 stop using V10 ?

The last time a V10 engine was used in an F1 grand prix was in 1997, after the…